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Boiler Room Theatre.





The Boiler Room Theatre has been "under renovation" since January 2014, when the Factory at Franklin asked the Boiler Room Theatre to vacate the premises so that work could commence on the renovation of the Boiler Room Theatre. It's been over a year and we are here to tell you where the progress stands and what the plan is for the future.


At the end of 2013, Boiler Room Theatre was in the best financial shape that it has been in for years. We ended our fiscal year in "the black" which for a not for profit theatre company with a penchant for doing intimate, risky, and original works is pretty impressive.


On March 26, 2015 we finally received word that the demolition of the Boiler Room Theatre has started.



We have repeatedly asked for a letter or a public statement from the Factory. As of March 26th, that request has yet to be fulfilled. 


Communication has been minimal and everything that we communicated to our patrons, friends, and followers of the Boiler Room Theatre has been by word of mouth with very little being put in writing. 

Official Statement

230 Franklin Road

Building 8

Tel: 1-615-794-7744



Our offices are currently closed.



Want to ask us a Question?

As of January 2014, we have been undergoing renovations. At this point, we are unable to maintain a regular season and box office hours. We do not have anyone workng the office at this time. We occasionally check email at


We apologize for the inconvenience and look forward to getting back in our space soon!

Anchor 3

The total plan for the space is the removal of the gigantic boiler, renovated backstage place to include showers, dressing rooms, additional 300 sq ft added for box office and coat check space, 4 additional bathrooms, full bar, and 150 seats.


Sounds perfect right? Except for the delays. And the poor communication from the Factory. And the continued lack of an end date.

The delay is due, in large part, to the "unknowns" of the project. The Factory's project manager for this renovation has changed 4 different times in this progress which has created undeniable delays in the project, miscommunication, the scope of the renovation is much grander (and more expensive) than initially planned. The facts is, The Factory at Franklin is 100% in charge of the entire process: funding, planning, designing, and executing. As of today, we have yet to see the official plans and architect drawings (but we hear it's great). 

It is our hope that our patrons, staff, and coffers can withstand the delays so that the Boiler Room Theatre can continue to be a community pillar for years to come.  Even though we may not be producing shows, we continue to have carrying costs of our storage facility, web, phone, internet, licenses, and tax obligations. 

Anchor 2
Anchor 4
Anchor 5



After 14 years of passion, love, and dedication to the Williamson County Arts Community, we are weighing all options. 

The Factory has refused our request for aid in having monetary support to cover our carrying costs after being displaced for a year more than was expected. Their refusal was based on the fact that they are paying for the renovation that we didn't ask for. 


Had The Factory had a clear and well thought out plan for the renovation. We could have made for different planning strategies including NOT selling season tickets, not planning for an additional season, or even perhaps continuing to perform in the untouched space throughout 2014. 

They are using the fact that the BRT did not have a sprinkler system installed as the reason we could not have used the building in 2014 even though the City of Franklin Fire Marshall's regularly inspected the space and did not require our facility to have this installed. 


Sadly, the future is uncertain. 


Should the Boiler Room Theatre continue, it is our dearest hope that the community, patrons, and actors will continue their support and love of our first hometown professional theatre. 

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